Alternative to list building, blogs, MLMs, affiliate marketing etc

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Imagine earning online with an alternative to list building, blogs, MLMs, affiliate marketing and social media, because you just can’t, or don’t want to, get to grips with them.

No need to imagine – watch the video below. If you’re not yet earning a regular online income from the above methods, this may be the most important 46 minutes of your ‘earn online’ career.

Yes. I finally set aside the time to watch this company video and now understand why my sponsor is raving about this business.

Why iCoinPro Can be the Ideal Online Income Earner

You can take a trial of iCoinPro with me here.

(Don’t worry if it’s no longer Wednesday – the same chance happens every Wednesday. Start today and be in plenty of time for next week.)

Summary of iCoinPro Benefits

Have you ever had an affiliate or MLM company close down on you overnight (it happened to me), or PayPal shut your account, or Facebook take down your page? (Yes, that happened to me too!)

Are you totally fed up of being chased in Facebook messenger every time you venture online to check for messages?

If so, this may be your ‘Get out of jail’ card.

7 year old company, owns their own software.
Product and business testimonials abound throughout the video.
No financial background needed. Ed’s 87 year old Dad is doing this!
Cover your cost (and more) using the training, completely without sponsoring
Learn without using your own money.
Just 1 week (part-time) to learn the system; faster for go-getters.
Real-time notifications to your phone, don’t be tied to the PC. Time to enjoy life.

Just YOU and Your Mouse / Phone

If you’re fed up of being at the beck and call of everyone else and ready to take control of your own income: Take the free trial here.

My experience with iCoinPro

I have earned with their affiliate platform, but I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t yet tried the education. In the video above you’ll see others who have. When you open your free account with me, I’ll get you access to some others who are earning from using the product as well as from promoting the business. You can do either or both. Your choice.


  • Joy Healey, blogger

    Joy Healey lives in Norwich in the United Kingdom. She advises on starting part-time business online for anyone whose financial planning for retirement has left them short of funds for a comfortable lifestyle.

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