Welcoming Members to The Easy Commission Funnel

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Welcome to The Easy Commission Funnel, which offers an easy to follow system for ANYONE to make an extra income online.

Yes. I finally got round to making a welcome video as recommended (optionally) by the creator, 6-figure earner Jeff Aman. I know this is something that serious affiliate marketers do with ease, but to me it represents quite a step in my online journey.

I’ve embedded it into a welcome page here that I send out to people who join the ECF with me, and it gives them a free gift, plus ways to contact me.

If you haven’t actually joined, this video isn’t relevant to you yet – but there’s nothing to stop you clicking here to open a free account and look round.

What is The Easy Commission Funnel?

It’s a done-for-you training that teaches you everything you need to know to start earning online. And if you’re already a successful online marketer this is a perfect, free. system that you can give to others so that they can earn online – and when they earn, you can benefit too because of the clever structure.

Everything inside the funnel is optional to join, but you’d be missing a trick if you didn’t become an affiliate in the offers, because as you share the system, you’ll be missing out on commissions when others make purchases, even if you didn’t buy in certain offers.

Even free members can earn up to $750 per customer, but I took the upgrades because they’re very affordable, and you’ll earn faster that way.

I’ve already made several comissions from the different income streams Jeff has built in for us.

That’s especially the case with the income streams where you can earn as a free member. My favorite one of those is the free LeadsLeap pagebuilder. It’s the best I’ve ever used. And Jeff teaches you how to use his skeleton pages, to base your own on and personalize any links.

One of the most affordable income streams is from LiveGood products – but it’s network marketing with a difference – you only need to buy products if you need them. No auto-ships and no inflated prices to pay upline commissions. I’ve been in profit with LiveGood since December 2022, although it’s fair to say my commissions had started to decline as some bad advertising practices had led to disillusioned members leaving. But now, with its inclusion in The ECF, my commissions are on the increase again.

For those people, like me, who aren’t social media fans, the main system is email based, with Jeff Aman supplying easy to follow video instructions, AND doing email follow-ups for all your prospects. Most email marketers fall down at the stage of staying in touch with their potential customers, so it’s a real bonus that Jeff does it for you.

The Easy Way to Learn Affiliate Marketing

Until I got started with affiliate marketing I had no idea there was SO much to learn about it and had many false starts trying to do everything myself, until I realised I needed to learn from someone who had done it successfully.

I’m also passionate about helping newcomers to earning online not to fall foul of all the scams and lies that took me down false paths when I got started. But it’s impossible for me to teach everything to my own team and subscribers, because everyone wants to learn different things. Thankfully Jeff does this for me in his follow-up emails, and he’ll do it for you too, if you just get the word out.

Jeff is mainly an email marketer (because every serious marketer knows that ‘the money is in the list’ so for the areas that Jeff doesn’t major in, he’s drafted in expert trainers to get you started with free training at Step 4 – that’s where free members can earn up to $750 from just one client.

To earn online takes WORK, and Jeff makes no bones about that. But for those who have a little to spend on building their business he offers some short cuts, and the ones he has chosen can earn you commission, when you share the Easy Commission Funnel with others.

So I’m delighted to be able to share the Easy Commission Funnel as a way for anyone to start earning online, so long as they’ll put in acton and dedication.

Just One Task To Earn Commissions

The Easy Commission Funnel has cut out all the complications of affiliate marketing (that you probably didn’t even know existed). Once you’ve set up your IDs as explained in the training, your only job is to bring potential customers to the referral link inside the funnel. Full training inside on many different ways to do that.

Don’t be shocked by that – it’s what ANY business, online or offline, has to do: find potential customers. And if you master this skill, following the ECF training, you’ll be set up for ANY business you may choose in the future. With any affiliate product of your choice, or even developing your own product.

The important thing is to just get started, follow the short training videos, stick with it, and benefit from Jeff having done the hard work of creating the Easy Commission Funnel and the done-for-you email follow-ups. Click here to get started with the Easy Commission Funnel, and follow the training!


  • Joy Healey, blogger

    Joy Healey lives in Norwich in the United Kingdom. She advises on starting part-time business online for anyone whose financial planning for retirement has left them short of funds for a comfortable lifestyle.

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