MAP Master Affiliate Profits VIP Program

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My confidence in the Master Affiliate Profits program is such that I have taken the massive step of upgrading to the VIP Program!

I’m not going to make this a long post, because this isn’t for ‘everyone’ and the benefits and costs vary depending on a conversation with the VIP director.

Briefly, my benefits include a hotline to the founders for problems, and higher levels of commissions on my first and second tier team.

Yes, it was a big chunk of money to gain these extra benefits, and I’ll be honest, I probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t had success building a team already.

But on the other hand – if I had upgraded to MAP VIP before I’d made my sales, I’d have made bigger commissions. Swings and roundabouts.

Nevertheless, the decision was made, when it suited me to make it and I don’t regret it.

Obviously I’ll need some hard work to return the outlay, but that’s business – online or offline.

Still a while to go until the Phase 3 launch, so until then I’m mainly focusing on building my email list of interested parties.

Click here to learn more about Master Affiliate Profits.


  • Joy Healey, blogger

    Joy Healey lives in Norwich in the United Kingdom. She advises on starting part-time business online for anyone whose financial planning for retirement has left them short of funds for a comfortable lifestyle.

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