I discovered Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) from being on the mailing list of a friend I was in another business with.
Although we both still love our original business, I’d always felt a bit of a kindred spirit with my friend because neither of us was very keen on the ‘social media’ turn that the original training had taken.
I joined it a few years ago for the email marketing training, and it was excellent. I was happily plodding on with that, but then a family crisis struck and I had to leave online marketing to help in the family business with my sister, and then, following the death of my beloved Dad we were plunged into handling Probate and the sale of his house.
It was heartbreaking as well as stressful and, as I was also working on my own offline business, there was no time for online marketing! So, although I’d started, I just let it go to concentrate on family.
Returning To Online Marketing After Time Away
When the dust settled I came back to that earlier business, logged in, and found I’d made commissions while I wasn’t even working.
That certainly merited another look. It wasn’t ‘by magic’, it was from work I’d done earlier, introducing other team members who’d got to work while I was otherwise engaged.
All excellent stuff – but what had also changed (and I’m condensing crazily here) was that there had been a shift from the email marketing I had joined for, to social media. Yes there was still an emphasis on ‘build your email list’ and email them regularly, but finding new customers had moved more to Facebook. And with good reason, because chatting in messenger gives you a chance to build up a relationship with people and find ‘pain points’ in their ‘journey’ online.
That’s the theory and I know it works, because I’ve made sales that way myself.
In my original program there have been spectacular results, with people making regular high-ticket commissions.
But it wasn’t working for me. As that same training is working for many others, the fault must lay with me rather than with the training, and I’ll be the first to admit it’s MY fault – because I just don’t have the time or patience to do social media marketing.
My Problem with Social Media Marketing
My article here explains my problem – messenger pests – always in my ‘in-box’ pestering me to ‘buy this’, ‘invest in this’ and refusing to take a polite no for an answer. I’m better at ‘Blocking’ them now, but it makes me feel rude and I just don’t like doing it.
Also I hadn’t got the patience to build up relationships with people who I knew were just ‘out to sell me something’ when I was, likewise, looking to sell something to them! I had neither the time nor the skills to turn them from their business to mine – and even worse, the business had, deservedly, done so well that most of my ‘friends’ online had already joined it at one time or another.

It got to the stage where I was so fed up with social media that I was feeling physically sick every time I had to log onto Facebook.
Having accepted that I didn’t need an online business enough to make myself ill, I decided to quit trying to sell that particular program on social media and just carry on promoting it by building my email list and contacting them daily.
I am making sales of other affiliate products that way, but for the orignal training it was pretty slow going. Happily other commissions come in from several other different affiliate programs, and regularly, so everything was building up nicely – in all areas except the main training program. This saddened me because I like and respect the creator of that program and I have learned a ton of things from him.
In a gap from promoting the original training program I had a brief flirtation with network marketing and I still earn regularly from two programs (LiveGood and GotBackup) – both have excellent support and training – but I found that people joined and then left pretty quickly, so it’s a vicious circle of trying to recruit new distributors to replace those who were leaving.
What Next Then?
I’ve always loved blogging – and my ‘other’, long-standing, blog is JoyHealey.com – it’s so old I can’t bring myself to delete it. It cost blood sweat and tears to get it to the stage it’s at now. But I’ve always been conscious it was a bit of a hotch-potch, because all those years ago I tried to teach myself, and got it all wrong – several times.
So having ‘given up’ on promoting the original training program on social media, I decided to return to the blogging that I actually enjoy and take a proper blogging course. The main blog I’m working on through that is about insomnia, because I’m a life-long insomnia sufferer. As there was sufficient capacity in its hosting program for me to start a second blog I started this one – dedicated to Retirement Business Opportunites.

I’ve learned a lot on my online journey and happy to pass it on, but I find that most people on social media just won’t admit they have problems and don’t want my help, preferring instead to try and convince me they’re superb marketers and I should listen to them and buy from them. Obviously some are, and it stands out a mile. But it also stands out a mile when people haven’t a clue.
I’m rambling.
All I want to say is that I wasn’t remotely looking for another training program – I have more training than I have time to implement – when I spotted Master Affiliate Profits on one of my friend’s emails. In fact, when I saw the webinar was about an hour long I just put off watching it and assumed it was expensive.
Finally I had a spare hour, took the time to watch it, understand exactly what was on offer and was excited. I rang my friend and we had a long chat, although – to be honest – we both knew I was ready to join even without talking, because:
- It was new to the marketplace and very few people had already seen it, compared to the thousands in my original program
- There’s blogging training inside too
- Free members have the chance to learn, and can even earn from paid members
- Members can earn commissions on sales from 3rd-parties, such as your auto-responder, traffic, and affiliate market places
People Will Either ‘Get it’ or They Won’t
At the time of writing there’s still time to take the lifetime platinum offer, which means you’ll never have to pay again, AND MAP will send their own traffic to a ‘rotator’ link where you have chance to make a sale out of the blue.
Here’s the webinar that just made so much sense that I couldn’t wait to join, and haven’t regretted it since.

It’s a steal at that price for the benefits you get – watch the webinar to learn what’s on offer. No use me typing away when all you need to do is grab a cuppa and hear it from these two extremely experienced marketers.

Having joined, one of the suggested ways of promoting our business is to document our online journey with MAP – so that’s what I’m doing now.
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